A Boy Named Terry welcomes all people and does not discriminate. We welcome cake decorators, dog walkers, drug lords, pizza boxes, friends of Bill Cosby, white guilt, welfare queens, 7/11 employees, drug dealers, Avon ladies, Palestinians, the son of a preacher man, Nat King Cole’s microphone, arsonists, short-order cooks, shoplifters, people from the UK and Argentina, shelf stockers, trannies, Fidel Castro’s cigar, Gen-X-ers, a woman with no place to turn and a woman in trouble, Wal-Mart greeters, adjuncts, eye doctors, home-schooled kids, coke addicts, people with bad credit, stamp collectors, taco truck workers, administration from American Career Colleges, belly dancers, pollsters, beauty school drop-outs, people at the CDC, kindergarten teachers, people on parole, Santa Clause, people with ADD and ADHD, Prince’s remaining oxycodone
, people who like slow jazz, gamblers, David Lynch, room service workers from crack motels, Dolly Parton’s wigs, nudists, people who occasionally slam horse, anorexics and bulimics, Kanye fans, Madonna’s vagina, pollsters, a pastrami sandwich from Subway’s, anchor men and women, sex workers, Darth Vader, Trump’s hair, J.C. Penny employees, slackers, reformed Gestapo, paper boys, people on disability, librarians, meter-maids, the survivors from LOST, Hillary Clinton’s 32,000+ missing emails, circus performers, a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown, weathermen with toupees, the letter “B,” Zac Efron, donors to PBS, “money nobodies,” excommunicated Catholics and expelled Scientologists, Korean and Mexican gardeners, pharmacists, Tommy Lee’s penis, Jews with no money, food from The Cooking Channel, The Make-A-Wish Foundation children, midgets, chain-smokers, people on the sex offender and the no-fly list, plumbers, captions for the hearing impaired, Carrie Fisher’s Ashes, Obama’s birth certificate, coupons, Tammy Faye Baker’s eyelashes, popcorn, depressed academics, masturbators, people who own Amazon’s Echo, eBay shoppers, people with felonies, people who work for the DMV, gay Republicans, the homeless, afterbirth, BMW drivers, Holocaust survivors, bisexuals, Baristas, wedding planners, pilots from Southwest airlines, chiropractors, pornographers, waiters and waitresses, people allergic to peanuts and/or glutton, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Guns-N-Roses’ fans, gun store owners over 65, the state of Alabama, bus drivers, people who appeared on Law and Order: SVU, Joan River’s jewelry, friends who might be in jail, people from the I.E., Millennials on Methadone, janitors, lazy sunbathers, fifth graders, lottery winners, tired dykes, porn enthusiasts, televangelist’s with wigs, drag queens, bartenders, Apple workers in China, Bill Clinton’s children, abortionists, sharp-shooters, Mark Wahlberg, gay men without drama, zoo keepers, plagiarists, people with herpes, beekeepers, the illiterate, cat lovers, Archies, adulterers, meth-heads, sociopaths and psychopaths, Volkswagen executives, Ivanka Trump’s broken finger nail, and flâneurs who can’t speak French ...